Ready for change

Everything is in constant motion and this is what drives us to be better every day. This leads us to leave our comfort zone, taking on new challenges, new goals, enhancing our strengths to always be one step ahead.

That is why CEMPROTEC is renewed after more than 30 years of experience in integrated design, manufacturing and assembly services of high-quality metal structures, which always seeks to optimize time, resources and processes for our strategic partners.

That’s why we look inward and want you to know about us. We are part of a large group of mining companies, a mining holding company that together we seek to provide MORE, thanks to the fact that we have the management, resources, equipment, support and talent necessary to achieve it.

Today we want to share our new image and our work philosophy, the philosophy of SUMA, where we all join in and give our best to provide you with great service.

Reinforcing our proactive, positive, cordial, reliable and close character with which we will maintain our long-term relationships. 

Adding to our relationship:

  • Experience: That provides and adds organization, versatility and reliability.
  • Commitment: Which involves: responsibility, punctuality and proactivity.
  • Closeness: That provides better communication, close, immediate and cordial. 
  • Support: Economic, equipment and technological, which provide and add security.

And with the main objective of providing you:

  • Benefits
  • Attention
  • Communication
  • Security

Because it is important for us to stay in tune with the goals and objectives of our clients, that is why we give them unity, integration, communication and connection so that all our projects have effective management and development.

Adding to this, the best attention, close, friendly, immediate and committed.

As you can see, it is adding up that we want to leave a legacy in our clients, workers and in ourselves that we can always do a better job, that we can give more, to achieve greater development and progress for everyone.



Everything is in constant motion and this is what drives us to be better every day. That leads us to...

Project Progress: Metal Structures for the Jorge Chávez Airport

Participation in Perumin 2022

“After 3 years of waiting, PERUMIN is back. We have gone through a long period in which we have had...